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When Coca Cola first marketed in China, they translated the brand name phonetically. But the meaning of the characters came out “bite the wax tadpole” or “female horse fastened with wax”.

A funny anecdote. It teaches us something fundamental…

You always need to talk to someone.

We are all good at finding flaws in someone else’s idea. And we are very bad at doing it with our own idea.

It’s as if, from time to time, we all have blinders on our eyes like horses do. Blinders help the horse stay focused, but they also prevent complete vision.

You need the interpersonal experience if you want to make sure your idea and your thinking are good.

You can’t afford not doing this. You can afford (as much as possible) to take the time (and invest the money) to do this.

And when you find someone worthy of talking to, you need to treat each other as opponents, trying to poke holes in each other’s thinking. Be brutally honest with each other.

That will lead to your idea evolving, and sometimes it will revolutionize it.

Stuck? Here's how I can personally help you:

Dare & share

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