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Wristwatches were first worn by women more as a decoration than a tool for punctuality. It was only during World War I that soldiers began using wrist watches for their time keeping functionality.

Now, 100 years later, people wear mechanical watches for many reasons. (The least important reason being the need to tell accurate time!)

The same mechanical wristwatch, at different times in history, had very different purposes for its consumers.

When you are marketing your product or service (the result of your idea), your first concern should be its purpose for your target audience - what does it mean to them.

Other mainstays of marketing — features, benefits, competitive superiority, and price — are also important. But they come only after you know what your idea means to your market.

You may think discovering this meaning only concerns your marketing efforts. However, you should start by already being mindful of the meaning of your idea to its target audience. You need to consider this when you are thinking about, creating, discovering, and developing your idea.

The way you see your idea is not necessarily the way your target audience sees it. Consider what your idea means to your target audience - before you have an actual product. This will help everything else fall into place.

The meaning of your idea will guide you through the journey of making it real, and achieving success in your business.

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