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"Fewer and fewer people are 'subordinates,' even in fairly low-level jobs. Increasingly they are knowledge workers." — Peter Drucker

Nowadays, with the Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) situation, the number of knowledge workers will grow as people find new ways to make a living working from home.

Creating new ideas is a high level of knowledge work. You take existing knowledge, add your spark of insight or a hunch, on how to solve a problem or take advantage of an opportunity, and "eureka," a new idea is born.

It's not very hard to come up with new ideas. It's much harder to create ideas in which others are willing to invest time and money. It's hardest to come up with impactful ideas. 

The higher the impact an idea has, the more people flourish, the more you'll get in return for creating it, in satisfaction, recognition AND wealth.

To become this kind of knowledge worker, you need a new set of tools. A framework, a mindset, and the right methods, so you can have a higher rate of success creating ideas.

My main objective, as well as that of Idea Vanguard, is to create the thinking tools and methods, the framework to help you achieve precisely that.

Stuck? Here's how I can personally help you:

Dare & share

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